Diarrhea in a 10-Month-Old Baby
Depending on how much solid food your 10-month-old eats, a regular bowel movement can range from loose to well-formed, according to BabyCenter.com. If your baby has a stool every now and then that is loose, that is likely normal. However, if his bowel movements change drastically and quickly, then he probably has diarrhea.
Several different things can cause diarrhea in a 10-month-old, from a virus or a bacterial infection to a parasite. Antibiotics can also cause diarrhea, according to BabyCenter.com, so keep that in mind if your baby is taking antibiotics for an infection. Depending on how much solid food your baby eats, food allergies can cause diarrhea. Keep track of everything your child eats, especially when introducing new foods. Also, keep track of how much juice your child drinks. Drinking too much fruit juice can also cause diarrhea. According to BabyCenter.com, 10-month-olds should have no more than 4 oz. of juice per day.
Make sure to offer your baby plenty of fluids while he is having diarrhea to avoid dehydration. Continue to give him formula or breast milk and solids as long as he tolerates it. Only use a pediatric electrolyte solution under the guidance of a doctor. Although many parents limit what their child eats while having diarrhea to the BRAT diet--bananas, rice, applesauce and toast--according to BabyCenter.com, the AAP recommends maintaining your baby's normal diet as much as possible. Yogurt with active cultures can also help alleviate diarrhea.
What to Avoid
HealthyChildren.org says to avoid making your own electrolyte liquid if your baby cannot tolerate formula or breast milk--use store-bought electrolyte liquids made for children only. Do not give your baby anti-diarrhea medication unless instructed by a doctor. Do not prevent your child from eating if she is hungry, but try to avoid salty broths and soups.
When to Call the Doctor
BabyCenter.com recommends calling your pediatrician if your baby shows signs of dehydration, which includes crying without tears, dry mouth and not having a wet diaper for six hours. Also call the doctor if your child develops a fever of 102 degrees F or higher, or shows any major change in behavior, states HealthyChildren.org.