Various Reasons a Baby May Wear a Helmet
Positional Plagiocephaly
Positional plagiocephaly is the scientific term for a misshapen skull. This is caused by pressure to a baby's head, usually resulting in a flat spot. This is because the skulls of young infants are covered by a number of soft spots that close up with age. Many twins or triplets are born with positional plagiocephaly due to limited space in the womb. After birth, this condition is common because of the recommendation to place babies on their backs while sleeping as a SIDS prevention method. Young babies aren't able to move around and often develop flat spots from too much time in one position.
Fall Protection
Helmets are available for parents to buy as a protection against injuries from falls. These are designed for babies learning to crawl or walk. Babies fall a lot while learning these skills, and helmets can help to prevent any serious head injuries. These helmets are made of high quality foam and fit any toddler's head.
Bicycle Helmets
Bicycle helmets are available to parents that would like to bring the baby along on a bike ride. These are meant to protect the brain in case of a fall, but according to the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute, the foam in these helmets is too stiff for a baby's head and toddlers may not be able to support the weight of a heavy helmet. Bicycle helmets are not safe for children under 12 months, so parents should leave the baby with a caregiver when riding a bicycle.