Acne Neonatorum Treatment
Neonatorum acne, also known as "baby acne" is a red, splotchy condition on a young baby's chin, cheeks or forehead. It generally appears three to four weeks after birth and disappears within four to six months.
Baby acne appears as a result of the normal hormonal changes that occur after birth. Maternal hormones that remain in the baby's system continue to circulate for a few weeks after birth. Sometimes these changes stimulate oil glands in the baby's skin and produce acne. When a baby is fussy or upset, the increase in blood flow to the face can make the acne look especially pronounced.
Most pediatricians advise parents to simply leave the acne alone. A baby's skin is too fragile for harsh cleaning techniques or abrasive remedies. Occasionally a mild topical acne medication is prescribed.
Alternative Treatments
Mild cleansing and any prescriptions from a pediatrician are the standard remedy for baby acne. Babies should be kept from overheating, as that can increase the severity of the condition. If the condition persists beyond six months of age, or if blackheads or more severe acne appears, a doctor should be asked for a referral to a pediatric dermatologist or one who works with infants.
Typical Course
When red splotches are first noticed on a baby, a pediatrician should be consulted to eliminate the possibility that the baby is having an allergic reaction. If it is determined that the baby is suffering a normal bout of acne, it is important not to overcleanse the baby's skin. Neonatorum acne almost always clears up on its own within a few months of its first appearance.