Development of a 16-Month-Old Baby
Babies at the 16-month-old mark begin to test physical limits. According to the BabyCenter, babies this age are aware of physical capabilities such as walking and begin testing their abilities such as walking with a box of blocks.
The BabyCenter says 16-month-old babies generally may be able to say up to seven words. Even if they can say more words, they will still rely on gestures and pointing to tell you what they want.
When a baby reaches 16 months old, it marks the beginning of creative capabilities. Starting at this age, babies are able to manipulate a crayon and may also enjoy finger-painting.
At 16 months, babies have become proficient at using their fingers and hands to manipulate objects. According to the BabyCenter, many babies this age are able to perform skilled tasks such as stacking two to three blocks on each other and then enthusiastically knocking them over.
When babies have reached 16 months, parents should ensure that homes are childproof to prevent accidents. With increased physical capabilities and curiosity, babies are likely to have an accident in areas and homes that are not childproofed.