Effects of Dust Mites on a Baby
Red, Itchy Eyes
Dust mites can cause your infant to have red, itchy eyes. This is never pleasant for a small baby and if the problem persists may indicate that your child is allergic to more than just dust mites. Baby eye drops found at your local pharmacy can help soothe irritated eyes. Your child may also display other allergy symptoms as well, including sneezing and a runny nose.
Clean your house often and spray dust mite killer spray to carpeting to keep dust mites away. Vacuum carpets and encase your infants mattress with dust-mite proof coverings. These can be found online or in some retail stores. The Allergy Consumer Review Website recommends washing baby bedding in hot water above 140 degrees and using HEPA air purifiers in the baby nursery.
According the Asthma and Allergy Information site, dust mites can cause asthma in infants and children. Asthma is usually caused by an allergy, resulting in wheezing and difficulty breathing. Asthma caused by dust mite allergies will change with the seasons, improving when the weather is cold and dry and flaring up when warmer weather sets in.
Getting rid of dust mites and other irritants will help your child breathe easier, but if your infant suffers with severe asthma, she may need medication as well. Talk to your doctor if your child develops asthma for any reason.
The Mayo Clinic categorizes coughing as a symptom of dust mite allergies. If you notice your infant is coughing a lot and he doesn't have a cold, he may be suffering from dust mite allergies. This cough can cause him to wake up more frequently at night and he may also cry from tightness and pain in his chest. The level of severity depends on how bad the allergy is. Some infants may only have a slight allergy and suffer with one or two mild symptoms, while other babies suffer with severe forms of all the symptoms.