Signs & Symptoms of Stomach Virus in Babies
A sign of a stomach virus in babies is a fever. A fever is the body's way to trying to kill off the virus. This can be good as long as long as the fever does not get too high. In many cases, you can let a fever run its course, but you need to watch your baby close. If your child has a fever, but is playing happily, then there is no need to worry. However, if your baby becomes lethargic and will not stop crying, do your best to bring the fever down with over-the-counter medications for babies or a cool wash cloth.
Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms associated with stomach viruses in babies. Infants will suffer with loose, wet stools throughout the day which depletes their body of fluids. If your infant is breastfeeding, nurse him as often as possible and give him purified water through a syringe. Watch your child close for signs of dehydration. If you notice your son's lips are dry or if he has sunken-in eyes, he is dehydrated. Watch him closely and if does not get better, call your doctor right away.
Vomiting is a sign of food poisoning as well as stomach viruses. Vomiting is the body's way of trying to get the virus out. If you notice your child throwing up, she may have the flu. Forceful vomiting can be stressful and cause your child to become restless and upset. If your child is vomiting and suffering with diarrhea, stay with her all day and give her a syringe with fluids every 30 minutes. If your child becomes too lethargic it is vital that you take her to the hospital.