Normal Treatment for Babies Withdrawing Off Methadone
Intravenous line
Babies withdrawing off methadone experience symptoms such as tremors, increased breathing rate, diarrhea and feeding problems, according to Often these babies need extra calories and fluid via intravenous lines due to extra activity and dehydration, according to
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Scoring
Neonatal abstinence syndrome scoring provides a measurable way to determine how badly a baby experiences withdrawal symptoms. Nurses monitor and score babies every two or four hours depending on how severe the case, according to
Severe Withdrawal Effects
Babies experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms for more than six or so hours receive morphine to ease their discomfort and calm their symptoms.
Babies withdrawing off of methadone, especially those with mild symptoms, enjoy quiet, dark rooms, according to TheWomens.Org. This type of atmosphere helps soothe the baby.
Another way to treat mild cases of infant methadone withdrawal is by swaddling and cuddling the baby. Pacifiers help as well.