Harmful Effects of Scabies Treatment on Babies
Scabies is a communicable infection that is spread by human contact. These tiny insects can be easily passed from mother to baby, or in close quarters such as daycare centers or hospitals. Scabies crawl under the skin and live there, laying their eggs.
Scabies causes a rash in specific places on the body. Affected areas include creases of joints such as knees, elbows and buttocks, as well as in between your fingers. Babies who contract scabies might be more irritable than usual due to the intense itching of the fluid-filled blistery rash.
Doctors typically treat scabies using a topical lotion or cream called a scabicide. Scabicides kill the insects and their eggs. Common scabicides include Lindane and Permethrin. Doctors may choose to prescribe an oral medication that will kill the insect, but this is often used as a last resort.
Harmful Effects
Babies are generally not prescribed topical Lindane due to the medicine's harmful side effects, which include dizziness, headache, uncontrollable shaking or seizures. Using an adult-strength medication on a baby can result in seizures and death. Permethrin is considered to be safe for babies, but still can cause irritation of the skin, swelling and redness.
Preventing the re-occurrence of scabies is important. You should wash all bedding and clothing that came into contact with the infected person for the last three days. Wash the clothing and bed linens on hot and dry on hot for at least 20 minutes to ensure that the scabies and their eggs are dead. Take special care to wash any favorite toys or stuffed animals that your baby might cuddle with as well.