Normal Infant Blood Glucose Level
Blood glucose is a measurement of the sugar glucose in the blood. Everyone, including infants, needs the right amount of blood glucose to provide energy and to keep the body functioning properly.
Normal level
Blood glucose may be tested in newborns and in babies with health problems. The normal blood glucose level in full-term babies is 40 mg/dL to 150 mg/dL. In premature infants, it is 30 mg/dL to 150 mg/dL.
Hypoglycemia is a blood glucose level lower than the normal range. Hypoglycemia in infants may be transient (short-term) or persistent (long-term).
Hyperglycemia is a blood glucose level higher than the normal range. This condition is sometimes caused by certain rare disorders, but it is usually a temporary problem resulting from too much glucose in the IV line of low-birth-weight infants.
An abnormal infant blood glucose level is usually brought back to normal with treatment. For hypoglycemia, infants may receive tube feeding or glucose via an IV; for hyperglycemia not caused by too much IV glucose, they may receive fast-acting insulin.