Physical & Sensory Development

Sensory development is a child's learning to use information from all the senses for maturation and learning, according to Physical development is your baby's learning muscle control. Both occur quickly in infants.
  1. Six Weeks

    • Your baby will have developed sleep patterns at 6 weeks of age, according to High Country Early Intervention (HCEI). His leg and arm movements will seem uncoordinated during this time, and he won't be able to control head movements.

    Four Months

    • At 4 months, the child will start gaining control of head movements, according to He will enjoy being held and mold himself to the body of the holder for the sense of touch.

    Five Months

    • Your baby will have favorite movement and song games at 5 months. She will roll from back to side and vice versa.

    Seven Months

    • The baby will roll begin turning completely over at the 6- to 7-month mark, according to Missouri Families. She will put toys in her mouth to explore them via taste.

    One Year

    • Babies begin walking without support at 12 to 15 months, according to HCEI. He will begin to understand simple directions during this time or shortly afterward.

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