Treatment for Babies With the Stomach Flu

Viral gastroenteritis, also known as the stomach flu, is an intestinal infection caused by a virus that can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, cramps, and at times a fever. The stomach flu is common in babies and will usually run its course over the period of a few days to a week. Although there are no traditional medications to cure the stomach flu, there are several things that can be done to help your ease your baby's ailments and speed up the recovery process.
  1. Settle Stomach

    • According to the Ohio Health Center, you should not give food or drink for a few hours after a bout of vomiting or diarrhea, allowing your baby's stomach to settle.

    Oral Solution Drinks

    • Ohio Health suggest restoring the lost fluids in your baby's system with re-hydration drinks as often as possible. Avoid water and instead choose drinks specifically made for children and babies such as oral re-hydration electrolyte solutions.


    • Keep your baby on a bland diet with easily digestible foods such as bananas, toast and rice. Ohio Health states that you should avoid foods such as sweets and soda.

    Formula or Breast Milk

    • According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you should continue to feed your baby breast milk or formula along with other added extra fluids.

    Extra Rest

    • Per Ohio Health, since your baby's system will be weaker, allow as much extra rest as possible.


    • According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, antibiotics do not help the stomach flu and other medications may prolong the infection. Consult with your pediatrician before administering any medications.

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