Baby Colic Solutions & Remedies
Feeding Changes
Sometimes soothing colic is as simple as changing the way you feed your baby. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that you try feeding your baby in an upright position. Burp your baby frequently to relieve excess gas. Mothers who breast-feed should eliminate spicy foods, citrus fruits and caffeine from their diets. If your baby drinks formula, talk to your doctor about switching brands.
White Noise
Many babies are soothed by white noise. These are sounds you don't normally notice because they're caused by everyday chores or activities. Doctors at the University of Michigan Health System recommend running the vacuum or clothes dryer. There are also white noise machines and even stuffed animals that simulate the sounds the baby heard while still in the mother's womb.
Putting a baby in motion also soothes him by simulating the motion he felt while still inside his mother's womb. Solution Source at Penn State University reports that sometimes taking a baby for a car ride can calm her. Another option is a baby swing, but make sure the swing supports your baby's head. Getting some exercise can also help you deal with a crying baby, so put your little one in a stroller and take her for a walk.
Everyone enjoys a good massage when they feel stressed, and your baby is no different. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends a gentle belly rub for colicky babies.
Try an infant massage for colic. Solution Source at Penn State says one method is to lay your baby across your knees and gently rub his back.
Sometimes all an infant needs is some snuggle time, so try holding her closely and while she is swaddled in a blanket.