Can You Give Babies Peanut Butter?
A peanut is a common allergen and generally not recommended for infants. Also, the consistency of peanut butter poses a chocking hazard to infants.
Dr. Sears ( recommends waiting until at least the age of 2 before offering a child any peanuts or peanut butter.
Allergic Reaction
After giving a child peanut butter the first time, be aware of symptoms that might indicate a peanut allergy. Symptoms may include hives, vomiting, diarrhea and difficulty breathing
If you think your child is having an allergic reaction to peanuts, call 9-1-1 and seek emergency medical treatment immediately.
Children who are allergic to peanuts may not remain allergic to peanuts. According to Baby Center, 20 percent of all children with peanut allergies outgrow them at some point.