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Newborn With Low Levels of TSH
Standard newborn testing includes testing for TSH levels in the blood. When a newborn has low levels of TSH, this means that the newborn has hyperthyroidism, or Graves'. This is a treatable disease with a good prognosis.-
TSH is thyroid stimulating hormone. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland.
A low level of TSH means that your newborn has hyperthyroidism, also known as Graves' disease.
It means that your newborn's thyroid gland is overactive, and is producing too much thyroid hormone.
Graves' disease is passed from mother to newborn.
Symptoms include fast heartbeat, premature closing of the fontanelles (skull openings) and hyperactivity.
Hyperthyroidism can be treated using medication to lower the production of the thyroid hormone.