What to Feed a Baby With Diarrhea
Preventing Dehydration
Because diarrhea leads to dehydration, which can be dangerous to little ones, it is important to replace lost fluids immediately. If you are breast-feeding, continue to feed your baby breast milk, as it has electrolytes and fluids needed to prevent dehydration. If your baby is on formula, switch to a lactose-free formula, as lactose can make diarrhea worse. Children also can have clear soups, clear sodas or juice mixed with water to prevent dehydration. Avoid giving your child plain water or dark sodas, which are typically high in sugar and can irritate the stomach.
Oral Rehydration Solution
The use of an oral rehydration solution is also recommended. It is safe for babies and older children and can be found in most grocery stores and drugstores. It comes in several forms, including a powder that can be mixed with liquids, a pre-mixed liquid and frozen popsicles. Oral rehydration solutions contain salt, sugar, potassium and other nutrients to help replace lost fluids.
Bland foods are essential in soothing the stomach of little ones. Parents of children with diarrhea should remember BRAT, which stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. These foods are all mild and do not further aggravate the little digestive tracks of babies and toddlers.
Yogurt that contains the probiotic acidophilus is also suitable to feed babies who are suffering from diarrhea. Acidophilus is a healthy bacteria that lives in the intestines and is often added to yogurt. Many doctors believe that taking acidophilus can shorten the duration and severity of diarrhea.
Foods To Avoid
It is important to avoid several foods that can result in making the diarrhea worse. Dairy products should be avoided, as lactose can severely irritate sensitive stomachs. Certain fruits, particularly fruit that begins with the letter "P" should be avoided, such as peaches, pears, prunes and plums. Apricots are known to loosen stools, so avoid them as well. Finally, avoid foods high in fiber, which are known to relieve constipation and loosen stools as well.