When to Use a Humidifier in an Infant's Room?
Using a Humidifier
Use a humidifier regularly if you live in a dry climate. It’s important to add humidity to the air, especially during cold and flu season. Running the humidifier in your baby’s room will help moisten the nasal passages. If your baby has dry nasal passages, he or she is more likely to catch a cold.
Dr. William Sears and his wife, Martha, authors of “The Baby Book,” recommend using a humidifier if your baby has a cold. Sickness can close your baby’s nasal passages, and dry air will only aggravate this condition. A vaporizer or humidifier will help moisten nasal passages.
If your baby gets an upper respiratory infection such as croup, the extra moisture will help. Keep your baby close to the humidifier for an extended period of time, as the steam will help ease the symptoms.
Sears says that the humidity in a baby’s room should be between 30 and 50 percent. You can check a room’s humidity with a hygrometer, found at your local hardware store. If the humidity in your baby’s room is below 30 percent use a humidifier regularly.
If you use your humidifier often, keep an eye out for mold. Excess moisture in a small location can create the right environment for mold to grow. After using a humidifier, open the window for a few minutes to air the room out. Also, if you're using a warm mist humidifier, make sure to keep it out of baby’s reach, as it could pose a burn hazard for your baby.
If you’re using a cool-mist humidifier, boil the water first to remove any impurities. Cool mist humidifiers will spray impurities throughout the baby’s room if they’re not removed first.
If you don’t have a humidifier, you can always run hot shower water and sit with your baby in the bathroom to provide the full benefit of steam. Make sure all overhead fans are turned off and that the door is shut so that steam doesn’t escape.