Life Cycle of a Human Baby
Birth to Three Months
From birth to three months is a time of very rapid development in a human baby. By the time a baby is three months old, she should be able to hold up her head as neck muscles grow and develop. Eye, brain and muscle coordination also increases, allowing a child to focus clearly on a face or an object and smile in response to pleasant stimulation. She should also recognize and respond to familiar voices.
Three to Six Months
A six-month-old baby will have increased motor skills and be able to reach for and grab something he desires. The muscles in his eyes will also develop, allowing for better focus and visual concentration. Babies of this age will begin to imitate speech and learn to repeat certain syllables, such as "ma ma" or "da da." Your baby should have doubled his birth weight at this point.
Six to Nine Months
The time from six to nine months after birth is critical in the development of babies. Teething begins and the baby will start sitting on his own, and even try pulling himself up on furniture. Most babies are crawling by nine months. They may also develop extreme separation anxiety at this state.
Nine to Twelve Months
From nine to twelve months of age, babies make rapid progress, often learning new things and trying new skills every day. By the time they are a year old, your baby will likely have taken her first steps and spoken her first words. Babies of this age begin to develop a clearer comprehension of what is going on around them and often try mimicking the activities of their parents. They also learn to feed themselves with their fingers.
After One Year
As a baby passes his first birthday and hand/eye coordination develops, he will begin learning to feed himself with a spoon without hitting himself in the eye. Vocabulary increases and babies learn what words produce what results. For instance, they quickly learn that "ma ma" brings their mother on the run. They develop friendships with people outside the family and take more interest in the world around them.