How to Give Babies Probiotics
Lactobacillus plantarum is a form of probiotic that can be safely introduced to newborns. Introducing newborns to good bacteria is essential to their health and development, as babies are born with a weak digestive system. Infants can also be introduced to numerous harmful bacteria when leaving the birth canal, which may lead to an increased risk to developing colic within its first few weeks of life. Introducing probiotics counters the harmful bacteria and adds necessary balance to your baby's digestive system.Things You'll Need
- Organic cabbage
- Glass mason jar
- Food processor
- Unbleached coffee filter
Rinse the cabbage thoroughly. Shred the cabbage and place it into the mason jar. Tightly seal the jar and leave at room temperature, 72 degrees, for three days. During this time, the good bacteria found on the cabbage is reproducing and fermenting the cabbage. Once the cabbage has fermented it will become soft and have a slightly pickled taste. Liquefy the fermented cabbage in a food processor and strain out the solids using an unbleached coffee filter.
Place the fermented cabbage juice in the refrigerator for when your baby arrives. If you are having your baby at the hospital, be sure to pack the juice and have the nurses store it in the refrigerator.
Place some juice on your finger and let your baby suck on it when he is one day old.
Serve your baby a baby-size spoonful of the juice three times a day once she is a few days old and adjusted to the taste. If she shows symptoms of colic or reflux, consider offering the juice 20 minutes before a feeding to aid her in digesting the milk better.
Offer different fermented juices such as coconut kefir as your baby matures.