Natural Remedy for Healing Red Skin on a Baby
Common Skin Conditions
Your baby may have skin conditions that seem unusual, but most typical conditions are nothing to worry about. These include baby acne and milia, which are tiny whiteheads. They typically go away within the first few weeks of life. Erythema toxicum is a splotchy red rash that tends to come and go over the baby's body. It is also completely normal and will go away on its own. Mongolian spots are quite common, as well. These are dark-brown, gray or bluish-black spots usually near the buttocks. They are more common in babies of African, Asian, Hispanic and bi-racial decent, according to the National Institutes for Health.
Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is one of the most common causes of red, irritated skin on your baby. It is caused by the skin staying in contact with urine and feces in the diaper, making it tender and red. Treat diaper rash as gently as possible. The most natural remedy is also the simplest. Often, exposure to air is the best treatment. After bathing your baby, gently dry with a soft towel or use a hair dryer on the lowest setting. Preventative creams such as those containing zinc oxide work well to keep the baby's skin protected.
There are several natural remedies that work well in combination with exposure to air. Aloe vera is one of them. Make sure that you use pure aloe vera gel. Often aloe vera gel is sold in combination with other ingredients to make it less expensive or to make it smell better. These extra ingredients can irritate baby's skin. The easiest method is to have an aloe vera plant growing in your kitchen. Simply cut off a leaf and apply the gel that seeps out onto the baby's skin.
Other Natural Remedies
Other natural remedies for diaper rash include applying powder or healing oils, such as olive oil, cod liver oil or coconut oil. One of these oils can be used at every diaper change, both to cure diaper rash and to prevent it from coming back. If you need extra dryness for your baby, apply corn starch to his skin. This will keep your baby dry, and it is inexpensive and free of perfumes and unnatural ingredients.
If your baby's rash does not seem to go away within a few days, or if it gets worse, see a doctor. Your baby may have a candida rash, which requires a doctor's attention.