How to Discipline a One-Year-Old Child
Your Tone, Volume, and Expressions
Use "no" only when danger is imminent. A one-year-old child is on the cusp of several developmental milestones all at once. He may be saying a single word clearly, like "Dada." He understands the word "no" and he knows how to laugh. Instead of saying "no," establish direct eye contact and explain the problem and solution in calm and simple language. Instead of saying "no" all the time, encourage good behavior with laughter, smiles, and positive reinforcement.
Don't use an angry, spiteful, or humiliating tone or expression. Check the developmental milestones for a one-year-old; they don't include "plots against her parents to make messes" or "misbehavior to get a rise out of mama." Using "adult" emotions is not only wasted on a one-year-old, but you are inuring your child to ignore these emotions during later development. This can frustrate a parent into using angrier, more spiteful and more humiliating language that is abusive and useless. You are also teaching your child to use these tones when she wants to get her way. Be kind, thoughtful and explain with words and examples how to behave properly. Don't focus or dwell on misbehavior. Move on to an opportunity to reward good behavior and leave the negativity behind.
A child learns that his actions sometimes get a rise out of Mom or Dad. Don't be controlling and respond to everything your child does; you might be inadvertently causing the behaviors. Make sure you spend enough time interacting physically and mentally with your child that he doesn't need to act up to get attention.
Correct any problems while explaining calmly what you are doing; children understand speech before they can talk. The baby is starting to grasp objects with her thumb and forefinger, which leads to throwing and dropping objects. She can sit up by herself and should be crawling or even taking her first steps on her own. These new behaviors should be encouraged under safe conditions. If your child gets into a messy or dangerous situation, you have probably failed to control her environment.
Don't isolate your child. The most important and trusted bond--between the child and parents--is peaking in importance between nine and 18 months. This is when children exhibit their greatest separation anxiety and apprehension toward strangers. Don't abuse your trust by sending your child to his room or putting him in a corner by himself. Work through the bad behavior and explain to or show your child the correct behavior. Immediately reward the child with kind words and facial expressions when he adopts the correct behavior.
Discipline is teaching your child how to speak and act with safety and concern for herself and others. Your acts of discipline are the way you want your child to act and speak. You are teaching her how you get your way. This is an example that your child will imitate when she wants to get her way. Do you want her to yell or be unreasonable in her demands? Your calm, measured discipline is an example that your child will imitate throughout further development and for the rest of her life. Make yourself a good example.