What Are the Causes of Acid Reflux in Newborns?
Infant acid reflux happens mostly after a baby eats. However, it can happen when a baby coughs, strains or even cries. It generally will resolve itself when the baby is between twelve and eighteen months of age.
An immature muscle between the esophagus and stomach allows stomach contents to back up the esophagus and out of the mouth. Drinking too much too fast can also cause liquids to come back out.
Symptoms of infant acid reflux include spitting up, irritability after or during feedings, and poor eating and sleeping habits.
Smaller and more frequent feedings can often help infant acid reflux. It might also be helpful to change feeding positions. Be sure to burp your baby mid feeding---halfway through a bottle or after the first breast. In some situations, a doctor might prescribe medication, usually containing ranitidine hydrochloride.
Consult with your doctor if your baby isin't gaining weight and has fewer than normal wet diapers (newborns should produce 8-12 wet diapers a day). Also call your doctor if your baby spits up forcefully, spits up green or brown colored fluids, or is resisting feedings. Babies with reflux may have difficulty sleeping lying flat on their backs. If your newborn is up frequently at night and cries a lot at night, talk to your doctor about using sleep positioners or other methods for letting your baby sleep better.
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