Alternative Acid Reflux Medicine for Babies
Antacids can be used for reflux, are typically found over the counter and do not require a prescription. Liquid forms of antacids contain magnesium or aluminum. Antacids can potentially cause either diarrhea or constipation in your infant. Although this type of medication does not decrease the amount of spit-up your baby will produce, it will help decrease the acidity of the spit-up. Common medications in the antacid class are Mylanta and Milk of Magnesia. Ask your pediatrician or pharmacist what the correct dosage is for your infant.
Herbs can beneficial for many medical problems, including acid reflux in your infant. Slippery elm has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems. Slippery elm works for your baby's stomach by coating and soothing the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the throat. The idea is that slippery elm helps reduce and prevent the burning that stomach acid produces.
Either brew slippery elm into a tea, or add the powder from the capsules into a food, such as applesauce, if your baby is eating solid foods. It is not recommended that you use slippery elm at the same time as other medications. Slippery elm works much like an antacid would.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has many benefits including helping with the problem of acid reflux. Aloe vera can be used for infants because it is natural and safe. It works by reducing inflammation with fatty acids. It is a soothing treatment for the stomach and intestinal tract. Aloe vera works internally as it does externally, reducing irritation. You can purchase aloe vera over the counter at most health-food stores. Ask your doctor what dosage your baby should be on for his weight.