Is Thrush Contagious in Babies?
Breastfeeding mothers should apply anti-fungal cream to their nipples after nursing to prevent thrush on the breasts.
If the mother and baby both have thrush, they can constantly reinfect each other if the infection isn't eliminated for both.
- advises that if your child uses a pacifier or takes a bottle, you should sterilize these items after each use. It might be advisable to completely replace all the items after the thrush is cured.
Some people fear that their baby could get thrush from a child that is infected, such as in a daycare setting, but thrush is rarely passed from baby to baby.
If you or your baby has thrush, your doctor can prescribe an anti-fungal cream. Some people prefer to try natural treatments first, such as Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), oil of oregano, or gentian violet.