Homeopathic Treatments for Gastric Reflux in Babies

Gastric reflux can be painful for babies. Some parents may choose not to give their baby prescription medications for one reason or another. If you are a parent who wants an alternative gastric reflux treatment, there are many to choose from, including homeopathic treatments.
  1. Gastric Reflux

    • According to www.babycenter.com, gastric reflux can cause babies to spit up excessively, cough or gag during feedings, wake up crying or arch their back in pain during or after feedings.

    Gripe Water

    • Gripe water has been used to treat gastric reflux among other like symptoms in babies. Gripe water, typically made up of natural ingredients, helps to treat gastric reflux symptoms in babies.

    Aloe Vera

    • Aloe vera has been used for years as a homeopathic or alternative treatment for gastric reflux in babies. Consult with a homeopathic doctor to see how much Aloe vera juice to give to your baby as a treatment for gastric reflux.


    • Positioning a baby upright during feedings, and after for about half an hour, can help tame gastric reflux symptoms in babies. Keep baby as upright as possible during feedings, then after a feeding, keep the child upright in a seat, swing or infant wedge for 20 to 60 minutes.

    Infant Massage

    • You can calm your baby by giving him an infant massage. Infant massage techniques can help relax a tense or overworked baby. Tension can exacerbate gastric reflux symptoms. Consult with a massage therapist or read a book on infant massage to learn techniques.

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