Medicine for a Baby's Cough
Avoid Over-the-Counter Products
The FDA issued warnings on using over-the-counter cold and cough medicines for children younger than 2. In response, 14 infant products were withdrawn by drug companies. The American Academy of Pediatrics, or AAP, warns parents not to "give cough and cold products to children younger than 2 unless your health-care provider specifically directs you to."
Coughing Expels Mucus
According to the AAP, coughing is "a mechanism that clears mucus from the lower part of the respiratory tract, and ordinarily there's no reason to suppress it." As long as allergies, sinus infection, or other serious conditions have been ruled out, a baby's cough might actually be beneficial.
Honey Over Age 2
Honey might soothe coughs in toddlers and older children. Health professionals warn that honey should not be given to infants younger than 12 months because of rare cases of infant botulism, according to the AAP, but it might be effective for toddlers 2 and older.
Essential Oil Chest Rub
Olive oil mixed with essential oil may provide relief. As an alternative to the menthol vapor rub you might have received as a child, try combining olive oil with an essential oil such as eucalyptus, rosemary or peppermint, and rub it gently on your infant's chest, according to advice offered at
Using a cool air humidifier in a baby's room might alleviate coughing during sleep. Be sure to clean after each use to maintain its sterility.
Warm Clear Fluids
Seattle Children's Hospital recommends giving 1 to 3 teaspoons, up to four times a day, of warm clear fluids (such as apple juice or water) to infants younger than 1 year as treatment for coughing.