Facts on Premature Births
Premature babies are born at least three weeks before your due date. A baby is premature when they are born at least three weeks before your due date. Being born early presents a number of problems. The baby is almost definitely going to be much smaller than a baby that was carried to term and may have not developed fully.
According to MedicineNet, babies are born premature in about 10 percent of pregnancies. The survival rate drops the earlier a baby is born before their due date, however most babies that are born after the thirty-second week of pregnancy are able to survive on their own. With medical help, many premature babies will live normal lives, however there is around a 20-percent chance that the baby can become disabled.
Risk Factors
If you are pregnant with multiple babies (twins, triplets, etc.), the odds of going into premature labor is increased. Warning labels on both cigarettes and alcohol warn that consumption during pregnancy can cause a baby to be born prematurely. The Mayo Clinic also suggests stress can bring on early labor.
Premature babies have primarily developmental problems like learning disabilities and vision impairments. Depending on how early the baby is delivered, they may have problems breathing, intestinal problems or jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Premature babies are also more at risk for cerebral palsy.
Treating the Baby
Premature babies will be treated by NIC Units (neonatal intensive care). At birth, the hospital will determine treatment, but afterward premature babies will need regular checkups from their doctors to make sure they are developing alright. Also, premature babies are usually required to stay in the hospital longer than regular newborns because they require monitoring.