Homemade Colic Gas Remedies for Babies
Use chamomile tea, a soothing time-tested colic remedy, to help calm down baby as well as his mother. According to Dr. Hilary McClafferty, a pediatrician and member of the American Academy of Pediatrics provisional section for complementary, holistic and integrative medicine, chamomile tea will relax your baby's intestinal muscles and help soothe her. Brew the tea by mixing a teaspoon of chamomile flowers with hot water and allowing it to steep for four to five minutes. Strain and offer baby 1 to 2 oz. in a bottle. Nursing mothers can drink the tea and pass on some properties through their breast milk. Brew peppermint tea to alleviate the gassiness that accompanies many episodes of colic. Add a tea bag to warm water, allow it to steep for two to three minutes, and then cool the tea to room temperature. Give baby a teaspoon of tea four to five times a day using a dropper or feeding syringe.
Fennel Seed Oil
According to the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, offering baby a preparation of fennel seed oil at the onset of a colic episode can decrease the severity of her symptoms as much as 45 percent. Since many doctors believe colic is caused by digestive problems, fennel might help by minimizing intestinal spasms and improving the movement of the small intestines. The Bastyr Center notes that no adverse side effects have been observed relating to the use of fennel, making it a safe, effective colic treatment.
Gripe Water
Many people swear by gripe water, an old-fashioned remedy consisting of water mixed with varied ingredients such as herbs, baking soda and occasionally even alcohol. The remedy soothes the baby's stomach and eases discomfort from gas. Gripe water is available over-the-counter in a number of formulations, but beware of remedies containing baking soda since the FDA does not recommend its use in children under the age of 12. Create an easy homemade version of gripe water using anise seed. Heat 2 cups water and 1 tbsp. of anise seed together and boil for 10 minutes. Turn heat off and allow mixture to steep for five minutes. Pour mixture through a strainer and allow it to cool to room temperature. Feed gripe water to baby as needed using a syringe or dropper. Avoid giving your baby more than three doses in an hour. Discard mixture after 24 hours since it loses potency and spoils rapidly.