What Are the Causes of Infant Frequent Urination?

Frequent urination in an infant, or frequency, can cause you to go through multiple diapers an hour. Frequency results from a variety of conditions, most of which your pediatrician can easily treat if caught early enough.
  1. Urinary Tract Infection

    • Urinary tract infections commonly cause frequent urination in kids of all ages, including infants. However, urinary tract infections can exist without this symptom and require treatment by antibiotics.

    Renal Tubular Acidosis

    • Renal tubular acidosis occurs when your infant's kidneys can't properly dispose of acid. In turn, these improperly functioning kidneys cause frequency. You should treat this condition seriously.


    • Irritation in the vaginal area and at the opening of the urethra may cause frequent urination. Shampoos and soaps commonly have this effect on infants.


    • Don't confuse frequency with polyuria. Frequency means urinating more often than usual, while polyuria refers to a larger volume of urine at a time.


    • A professional can easily treat most causes of infant frequency, so it's important not to ignore the symptoms. Letting your infant go untreated for a condition such as urinary tract infection can permanently damage her kidneys.

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