How to Treat Baby Acne Successfully
Things You'll Need
- Mild baby cleanser
In order to treat baby acne, make sure your baby's sleeping quarters are clean. Wash your baby's clothes before the little one wears them. Make sure pillows and comforters are washed, so that oil and bacteria doesn't find its way on your baby's skin and cause more baby acne.
Make sure your clothes are clean before you pick up the baby in order to treat baby acne, to prevent oil and bacteria from being transferred from your clothes and onto the baby's skin. Make sure members of the family know to keep their shirts clean, especially, if they plan on holding the baby.
A good acne baby treatment is a mild baby cleanser. You can find these in stores. Make sure that the cleanser is mild, or else the baby's skin will get irritated. Wash the baby's skin gently once a day with the cleanser in order to treat baby acne, but don't overdo it! More than once a day may cause skin irritation. Remember to pat your baby dry once the little one has been washed.
Throughout the day, pat any grease on your baby's face to prevent more baby acne from developing.