Can an Infant Display Symptoms of ADHD?
ADHD starts in childhood and can be disruptive for the child and family. Although many babies will show the symptoms of ADHD, they will not necessarily be diagnosed with it.
Difficulty sleeping is often a sign of ADHD in infants. Babies who have poor sleep patterns or are extremely restless tend to develop ADHD as they get older.
Babies who develop ADHD are more difficult to feed while being thirsty more often.
Temper Tantrums
A baby with ADHD is more likely to throw frequent tantrums, bang his head around and rock himself in his bed.
Babies with ADHD will cry more than other babies and will seem to get frustrated more easily. Parents often see this as a sign of colic.
A baby with symptoms of ADHD will usually have a parent with ADHD. The best treatment for both of them is for the parent to receive treatment.