How to Make an Infant Car Seat Cover With a Pattern
Things You'll Need
- Fabric to fit the car seat
- Sewing machine
- Cotton fiber padding
- Fabric marker or chalk
- Needle
- Thread
Decide what type of patterned fabric you would most like to use to design your car seat cover.
Measure the size of your car seat to determine how much fabric you will need.
Double that amount and add an additional foot or two for trimming or to use as needed. It is always a good idea to have a little bit extra in case a future repair is needed.
Cut the fabric into two panels to fit the dimensions of your car seat. This will form the exterior of your car seat cover.
Fill the interior of your car seat cover with approximately 1 inch of light cotton padding (similar to that of a pillowcase interior). Do not overfill or the baby will have a difficult time fitting into his safety harness inside the car seat.
Using safety pins, hold the padding in place near each corner and one in the center.
Once you have set the padding in place, use your sewing machine to sew the perimeter of the car seat cover completely.
Fit the car seat cover into the car seat.
Determine where the two shoulder harnesses in the car seat should pass through the car seat cover and mark that place with a fabric marker or piece of chalk.
Determine where the bottom safety latch (that passes through the baby's legs and attaches to the shoulder harness) will pass through the car seat cover. Mark that area with fabric marker or piece of chalk.
Cut the marked areas with your scissors.
Stitch the cut areas completely with a needle and thread.
For baby's safety, ensure that you have removed all safety pins and hazardous materials from your car seat cover.