Why Do Babies Lose Their Hair?
Newborn hair loss is called telogen effluvium. It is caused by dramatic hormone drops that all newborns experience right after birth.
Hair Growth
Human hair has two different phases, a growing and resting phase. Hair falls out during the resting phase when a new follicle develops behind it. It can also fall out during stress, hormone changes and fever.
Baby Hair Loss
In addition to normal baby hair loss, some babies may develop bald patches. These are usually due to the way the baby sits or sleeps. These are temporary, and as the baby matures and moves more the bald spots will disappear.
Fun Fact
Babies hair color may change after it has fallen out and then regrown. Mothers may also experience hair loss after delivery because of their hormone changes.
Hair loss in children under 12 months old may be a sign of more serious but rare conditions. If your child seems to have atypical hair loss (patchy bald spots, and red or flaky skin), consult your doctor.