Infant Formula Alternative
Breast Milk
Mothers who do not want to feed their babies commercial infant formula should first consider breast-feeding, which offers many health benefits to mother and baby. The mother's body is designed to produce milk for her baby, and there is no better food for an infant. Breast milk is always the right temperature, has the right amount of fats and other nutrients and has a sweet taste that infants prefer over formula. Breast-fed babies rarely overeat because they learn to stop when they are full, as opposed to bottle-fed babies, who are normally encouraged to keep eating until the bottle is empty. Breast-feeding may reduce the risk of breast cancer in the mother, and it also helps her burn the extra fat she stored during pregnancy. Breast-feeding has so many benefits that many scientists and researchers believe they will be discovering new reasons to breast-feed for a long time.
Women who cannot nurse their babies should consider pumping the breast milk and giving it to baby in a bottle. Breast milk can be stored in the freezer for future use. Premature babies and babies who are ill may need breast milk even if the mother is unable to nurse or pump the milk. In these cases, the mother may be able to access breast milk from another woman through a milk bank. These banks are reserved for special situations, so a new mother who feels this may be a good option for her should contact the nearest hospital for more information.
Homemade Infant Formula
There are many reasons why a woman may not be able to breast-feed. She may have had breast surgery that damaged her milk ducts. She may take medication that makes her breast milk unsafe. She may have suffered sexual abuse in the past that leaves her emotionally unable to nurse her baby. Whatever the reason, many mothers who do not have the option of breast-feeding still do not want to use a commercial infant formula. These women have another choice: homemade baby formula.
Homemade baby formula can be made from cow's milk or goat's milk with additional vitamins and minerals added to meet baby's nutritional needs. A quick search of the Internet turns up many recipes, all claiming to be the best one for your baby. The truth is that every baby is different and you need to discuss the best options with someone who can help you make an informed decision. A general pediatrician is not recommended in this case, because many simply say a commercial formula is just fine. If you have already determined that this is not an option for you, find someone who agrees with your decision, such as a nutritionist or homeopathic doctor who specializes in infants and children.