Old Timer Remedies for Colic
Infant Massage
One old-fashioned colic remedy is to give your baby a massage. While this does not cure colic, it may help the crying baby to relax. Massaging your baby also helps you feel as though you are doing something to help.
Massage may help colic by releasing gas that is causing stomach pain. It also releases hormones that relieve stress, helping the baby to calm down. Infant massage classes are often offered at birthing centers or hospitals. If you cannot find an infant massage class, buy an infant massage book, but do not start massaging your baby without some guidance. Improper massage techniques will not hurt your baby, but they will not do as much to help the colic.
Sound and Motion
Sounds and motion seem to provide relief to some babies with colic. Running a fan in the baby's room, taking the baby for a car ride, or even placing the baby on top of or near the dryer are all traditional ways to calm colic. Always be sure your baby is safely secured in the car seat if you choose to use the dryer technique, and never walk away from your baby.
Some moms claim that a firm, but gentle "shhhhh" sound in the babies ear will calm the crying associated with a colicky infant. Rocking or walking with the baby is another "old timer" remedy for colic. Modern infant carriers allow moms to get things done while holding the baby. Babies often calm down when carried face down across a parent's arm, with a hand under the baby's tummy applying pressure and providing support.
Other Methods
Tightly swaddling a baby provides relief from colic in some situations. Also, lavender essential oil has a calming effect. Consider bathing your baby in a bath with a few drops of the oil. Some commercially produced baby lotions are now made with lavender. You can also massage the baby with lavender massage oils.
Gripe water is another natural remedy some claim works well. This supplement is a liquid infused with herbal ingredients that are supposed to relieve stomach ailments and colic in infants. If you choose to use gripe water for colic, read the ingredients carefully to ensure that there are no artificial ingredients or preservatives in the product that could irritate your baby's tummy.