The Effects of Mobile Phones on Unborn Babies

According to the Health Physics Society, an organization of professionals who specialize in radiation safety, radiation exposure imposes health risks to pregnant women, and consequently to the unborn babies inside their wombs.

Mobile phone manufacturers follow a certain level of radiation that their products should emit. In the United States, for instance, all mobile phones should pass the radiation standards imposed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is 1.6 w/kg, to ensure that phones are not in any way hazardous to people's health.
  1. Significance

    • The Health Physics Society further explains that exposure to radiation should not be a concern to pregnant women if exposure was low. The developing embryo or fetus will only be affected once it is exposed to radiation higher than 5 rad or 50 mSv.


    • According to a survey of 13,159 mothers conducted by the University of California, a large number of mothers who used mobile phones during pregnancy reported a high level of behavioral problems in their children.


    • Peper Long, the spokesperson of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration explains that there is no scientific evidence to date that indicates negative health outcomes from the use of mobile phones among pregnant women.

      It is important to note that the research done by the University of California was based on a survey and not on observed behavior or scientific examination. The results were based on conclusive opinion rather than competent, scientific research.


    • Although many mothers are inclined to believe that the use of mobile phones during pregnancy negatively affects unborn children, there is no credible scientific study that proves this assertion.

      Mobile phones emit low radiation frequencies that are neither threatening nor hazardous to unborn babies.


    • The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection recommends that pregnant women limit their use of mobile phones.

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