What Are the Causes of Infant Eczema?
It is uncertain what exactly causes eczema in babies. It is an allergic reaction, but not caused by a particular substance like pollen or peanuts. Eczema is genetic and is passed down family lines. Many babies with eczema have parents or grandparents with eczema, allergies or asthma. Baby eczema can be triggered by many variables like heat, certain foods and common allergies. Most babies born with eczema will outgrow it by the age of 2.
There are ways to prevent a serve outbreak. Bathing your baby in a cool oatmeal bath daily helps calm the skin. After the bath, pat your baby dry, leaving some moisture on the skin, and then cover the child with a fragrance-free lotion. If your baby is experiencing allergies, talk to your doctor about the possibility of giving him a daily dose of an antihistamine. Help prevent a severe outbreak by keeping your baby out of warm environments and dressing him in loose-fitting clothing.
The most common treatment to get a handle on an eczema outbreak is to give your baby an antihistamine like Benadryl. Hydrocortisone cream is an over-the-counter ointment that helps soothe eczema. Sometimes a harsh outbreak requires prescription steroidal cream to force the skin back to its normal state. Babies are rarely hospitalized for an eczema attack.
If your child is allergic to cats, exposure to a cat can cause the eczema to flare up and cause a flare. Infant eczema that is not immediately treated with lotion or an antihistamine can quickly become very itchy and spread overnight. In its worst state, eczema can cover a baby's entire body, producing very itchy, swollen and oozing skin. In these extreme cases, medical intervention in a hospital setting may be necessary.
For some children a food can cause an outbreak, while another child may be affected by heat, and still another may react to soap, fragrances and detergents. Keep a close eye on your infant and observe when his eczema acts up to help determine the cause. Avoid those situations and treat the eczema as soon as possible.