Natural Pain Relief in Labor
The thought of the pain deters many women from a natural birthing process. But though medication is avoided in natural childbirth, there are other ways to make the experience less painful.
Lamaze and Bradley Methods
The process of preparing for a natural childbirth without medication begins before delivery. Exercise is a great way to help the process along when delivery time approaches. Regular exercise can prepare the body for giving birth by making the muscles involved stronger, which helps the body handle the stress of labor. Exercise also builds up endurance, which can come in handy during a natural childbirth that is long and difficult, as most first-time labors are.
Childbirth classes can also be taken before the birth of a baby to avoid the need for medications during labor and delivery. Two of the most popular childbirth classes teach the Lamaze technique of labor and delivery and the Bradley method, or husband coached birth. Lamaze teaches women to approach childbirth with a confident approach, in addition to teaching them techniques to handle pain without the use of medication. Some of the techniques include distraction, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and massage that can be administered by the father or someone else designated as the birthing coach. Lamaze also believes that the administration of medication while actually going through labor is their decision ultimately.
The Bradley method is similar to Lamaze; however this method strictly focuses on the father of the baby being the birthing coach. The method also teaches good exercise and healthy eating habits during pregnancy. This method also frowns upon the use of medication for any purpose other than a medical emergency (The Nemours Foundation, 2009).
Water Birthing
Water births have been increasing in popularity over the years. Laboring in a tub of warm water is said to decrease pain (to some extent), and allows the mother to move into more comfortable positions during labor due to the buoyancy of the water. While some mothers choose to both go through labor and deliver the baby in water, others choose to only labor there---and then leave the tub to give birth. Either way, water birthing can help reduce some of the pain involved in the process of natural childbirth.
Hypnobirthing is exactly what it sounds like: The mother is put into a hypnotic state where she is convinced she has no fear or tension, an idea that helps reduce pain. This is one of the oldest methods of relieving the pain of natural childbirth.