Heartbeat in Babies
Week 5 Heartbeat
Your baby's heart starts beating approximately 22 days after conception. You will not be able to hear the heartbeat at this time even with amplification.
Seeing the Heartbeat
A doctor may detect a tiny flicker that indicates a heartbeat during an ultrasound test during the fifth week of pregnancy.
Week 9 through 12 Heartbeat
During your ninth or 10th week of pregnancy you might be able to hear your baby's heartbeat at your doctor's appointment. Do not worry if your doctor can't pick up your baby's heartbeat until after week 12. Many things affect hearing the heartbeat, such as the weight of the mother and the position of the uterus.
A device called a Doppler is used to amplify the heartbeat for everyone in the room to hear. Your doctor will count the heartbeats per minute to determine the baby's heart rate.
Speed of Heartbeat
Babies' heartbeats are fast, somewhere over 120 beats per minute. Sometime during or after your 20th week of pregnancy you can hear the baby's heartbeat with a regular stethoscope.
Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring
While you are in labor, your doctor may monitor your baby's heartbeat using an electronic fetal monitoring device. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, "fetal heart rate monitoring is one way to check the well-being of your baby during labor."