Gas Relief for Newborns
"Football" Hold and Tummy Massage
It can be very difficult to soothe a baby who is suffering from gas discomfort. By putting the baby in the "football" hold you put pressure on her abdomen, which may relieve some of the pain she is feeling. To use the "football" hold, rest the baby on your forearm with her chin facing your elbow. Gently grip the baby in the diaper area for a secure hold. Walk around and pat her back. This should help break up the gas bubbles.
Another tip is to apply a small amount of pressure with your hand on her stomach. By lightly massaging her belly in a counterclockwise motion, you may be able to help with the gas pain.
"Bicycle Legs"
"Bicycle legs" is another gas-relieving technique. Lay your baby on his back. Hold his feet in your hands and move his legs as if he was riding a bicycle. Do this for several minutes. This should help move some of the gas out of his body.
It may also help to gently bend the baby's legs and push his legs up to his tummy and back to the original position. You can do this maneuver several times in a row.
Over-the-counter medication
If you are unable to help move the gas by massage and baby "exercise," several over-the-counter medications have been created to help with infant gas and colic. Dissolvable tablets designed to relieve infant colic can be placed in the baby's mouth. They are made with all-natural ingredients, but contact a physician before use if your baby has any allergies. Gas drops with the active ingredient simethicone also have been found to be incredibly helpful. These drops can be given to the baby several times a day. As with any medication, contact your doctor before use.
Gripe water is another popular medication made from all-natural ingredients. Many parents with fussy or colicky babies have found gripe water to be very helpful.