Ringworm in Babies
Ringworm is not derived from worms, but is a type of contagious skin fungus. The fungus can be spread by people, as well as by animals. It is more common in humid climates. Ringworm can affect your baby's scalp, a condition called tinea capitis. However, tinea capitis is not the same as another more common baby scalp ailment, cradle cap. When ringworm affects areas of the body other than the scalp, it is called tinea corporis. Examples include jock itch and athlete's foot.
Ringworm on the scalp is characterized by scaly patches and baldness in the same areas. Ringworm on your baby's body is much more pronounced. It is characterized by patches that have scaly rings and smooth centers. According to surebaby.com, the most common area for ringworm to develop in babies is the groin. Patches caused by ringworm are dry and itchy. When these patches start they are usually the size of a dime, but can grow up to 1 inch in diameter, according to babycenter.com. According to surebaby.com, symptoms will appear on your baby's skin around 10 days after initial contact with an infected person or animal.
If you suspect your baby has ringworm, have a pediatrician test her skin. Sometimes, a doctor can tell by just looking at the patches, or he may have to do a light skin scraping to determine if your baby has ringworm or not.
Your pediatrician may recommend an over-the-counter cream to treat ringworm on your baby's body. Apply it twice a day for up to 4 weeks. If the doctor thinks the ringworm is severe, he will recommend a topical or even an oral prescription. Ringworm on the scalp is treated with an anti-fungal shampoo and oral medication. It will take up to 8 weeks for your baby's scalp to clear up, according to babycenter.com.
Once your baby starts treatment, make sure you wash his clothing and bedding to prevent another infection. Keep your baby away from animals and people who have ringworm. Any pets you have should be checked for ringworm during annual check-ups with a veterinarian. If your baby is walking, be sure he wears shoes in common areas, such as a pool area or playground. Also, make sure your baby's day care is sanitary.