Ciproflox and Bladder Infection
Urinary System
The urinary system includes the kidneys, urethra and bladder. Its main goal is to create and remove urine from the body. The kidneys filter urea, excess water and other waste products from the circulating blood. They use these waste products to create urine and send the urine to the bladder for storage. Once the bladder is full, the urine is excreted out of the body through the urethra.
Bladder Infections
Almost all urinary infections begin when bacteria colonizes the urethra and makes it way up the urinary system, growing and reproducing along the way. As it travels, it reaches the bladder, and in some cases, the kidneys. Bladder infections are associated with a sudden increase in the urge to urinate, even though you may not be able to release any or very much urine. You also may feel pain or burning in your groin, pelvis or lower back during urination. The urine can be bloody, dark or have a foul odor.
Once diagnosed, bladder infections are generally treated with prescriptions antibiotics like Ciproflox. Ciproflox is a brand name version of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. It also can be used to treat ear infections, skin infections and some sexually transmitted diseases. Ciproflox is taken orally with water. Although it is not necessary to be taken with food, you can do so to avoid an upset stomach.
Side Effects
Although Ciproflox does efficiently cure bladder infections, you may experience side effects. Ciproflox can cause insomnia, upset stomach and diarrhea even. In very rare cases, it is possible to experience fever, seizures and sensitivity to sunlight. Discuss any side effects with your health care provider.
As with all prescription drugs, follow your health care provider's instructions. Take the entire prescription, even if your bladder infection symptoms start to fade. This will prevent recurring bladder infections. Also, inform your health care provider about any drugs you are taking. Those taking drugs such as ursodiol, warfarin or probenecid, should not take Ciproflox because of adverse side effects. Do not use alcohol with this antibiotic, and do not operate heavy machinery or automobiles until you know if Ciproflox will make you dizzy or drowsy.