Help for Colic
Know the Symptoms
Before attempting any colic treatments or seeking advice for how to treat a colicky baby, you should first know what the most common symptoms are. They include showing signs of discomfort from gas such as abdominal bloating, a hard, distended stomach and pulling their knees into their chest. Crying uncontrollably for long periods of time, then stopping as quickly as they began. The symptoms also have a tendency to begin the same time of day or night, usually after eating.
Keep a Diary
Begin writing down each time your baby begins crying, and what works to console her. You may notice a pattern forming and will also have a guide to help you determine what works for her and what doesn't.
If you breastfeed your baby, keep in mind that everything you eat, your baby eats. One way to help your infant is to cut out any foods high in gas, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions and spicy foods. You may also want to cut back on your dairy intake, but should check with your doctor first. If you are bottle feeding, do your best to reduce the amount of air your baby is swallowing during his feeding. This can be done by using a curved bottle or bottles with collapsible bags. You may also want to burp her more frequently and avoid feeding her any more than usual; over feeding may lead to colic.
Soothe Him
This can be done many different ways. First you may want to begin with a tummy massage; if he has any excess air, this may help him release it. A warm bath or covering his belly with a warm towel may also provide relief. You may also want to try wrapping her snugly in a blanket and rocking her in a rocking chair.
Take Turns
If your baby has been crying endlessly for more than an hour, you will need to take turns with your partner to save your patience and your sanity. Babies have the ability to pick up on frustration and anger, which may only make the situation worse. By taking turns with your mate in providing care, you both get some time to walk away and regroup before coming back and trying again.