Stages & Development of a Newborn Baby
One Month
As you and your little baby get to know each other, your baby will learn to focus on your face and even recognize your voice. At this stage, your baby will sometimes even turn his head at the sound of your voice.
Two Months
At just two months, your baby will learn to smile. Often, babies at this age experiment with making noises other than crying.
Three Months
Around the three-month mark is when you'll see some rapid development in your child. A baby's physical development at three months will include lifting his head, kicking his legs and clenching toys and rattles. Additionally, babies at this age will mimic sounds, track objects and even recognize familiar people from a distance.
Four Through Six Months
At four months, you will be pleased to know that your child may actually sleep through the night. At that age, babies can often sit up. Between five and six months, your child will begin to develop teeth, causing him to cry and experience discomfort. Additionally, your baby will likely learn to hold a bottle and be able to roll over from his tummy to back.
Seven Through Nine Months
At this age, your baby is becoming more and more intrigued by the world. He learns to play peekaboo, will make more sounds and probably respond to his name. At this stage, your baby will also develop the ability to feed himself small morsels of food.
Nine Months to a Year
As your infant rounds the corner to one year of life, he'll begin to develop more physical skills, like standing, crawling, and even walking with the help of an adult. At this age, he'll be able to recognize himself in a mirror and will communicate to you what he doesn't like by pushing it away. For entertainment, you may find your child opening and closing cabinets or banging two objects together.