What Are the Treatments for Baby Colic?
Since no one really knows what causes colic, finding a way to ease the seemingly unending wailing of your little one isn't as easy as following a set of hard and fast rules. However, the very first step in finding a solution that works for your baby is to head to the pediatrician and make sure she doesn't have a silent medical condition that's causing her misery. Once she's given a clean bill of health, the hard part starts: a possibly long road of trial and error to try and narrow down a pattern to your child's crying fits so that you can try to find a way to diminish or avoid them.
Keep a colic diary. Write down the times your baby cries, along with any activities that may have been going on, such as feeding or playing. Also make note of any sounds that may have been going on in the background. Jot down her menu and see if a pattern emerges after eating certain foods. Try changing formulas, and make sure you're burping her regularly to avoid excess gas.
When she begins a crying session, take her to a quiet part of the house for less stimulation. Swaddle her and sing softly as you rock her. Try some white noise, such as vacuuming or going for a drive around the block.
Ultimately, and unfortunately, there is no absolute cure for colic. All you can do is help your baby through her episodes of unhappiness, and it will take some time to discover what will do that. But have faith and patience---colic doesn't last forever, even though it may seem as if it does!
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