How to Detect Infant Formula Allergy Symptoms in Your Baby
Check your baby's skin. If you see hives, eczema, or other rashes and blemishes, this could be a heads-up that your baby may be allergic to what she's drinking.
Pay attention to the times your baby spits up after meals. Is he spitting up, or actually vomiting? Vomiting repeatedly or forcefully could be an indication that something is wrong--and that may be an infant formula allergy.
Check your baby's stools. Bad-smelling poop or stools that are very hard or very soft could be a sign of allergies to baby formula.
Assess your baby's comfort level after a feeding. If she seems especially fussy or cries, it may be colic or something else...or it may be a symptom of being allergic to infant formula.
Listen to your baby's breathing throughout the day. Any wheezing, unexplained congestion or nasal mucus can be a sign of an infant formula allergy.
Look for other signs that something isn't right with your baby, such as restless sleep, too much weight gain, or not enough weight gain. These may also indicate an infant formula allergic reaction.
Call your pediatrician or family doctor if you are concerned that your baby may have an allergy to his formula. Half of the babies allergic to milk protein also display an allergy to soy-based formula. There are hypoallergenic formulas on the market, but it's best not to put your baby on them unless the allergy has been confirmed, since the formulas don't taste very good.