What Are the Treatments for Infant Colic?
Colic typically begins at 3 weeks of age. If your baby cries for at least three hours at a time, three days a week, your baby may have colic. Colic begins to subside at 2 to 3 months of age.
Colic is not an illness or a disease. Colic is an excessive pattern of crying, with no apparent cause. The main problem with colic is the intense worry and stress that it causes the parents.
Anything "womblike" will be comforting to the new baby. Bathing the baby in warm water is soothing. In many cases, crying will cease during the entirety of the bath.
A stroll around the neighborhood or a drive in the car can give a new parent a little relief from the long crying spells. If you do not have the energy to walk or drive, stepping out in the fresh air with the baby can also bring a few minutes of relief.
Doctors theorize that babies love to feel secure and snug. Several stores carry swaddle blankets that are specifically designed to make the swaddle an easy task. If you are on a budget, any baby blanket will do.
If you're feeling frustrated and upset because you can't comfort your baby, leave him somewhere safe, and go into another room to calm down. If you feel overwhelmed, ask a partner, family member or friend to take watch the baby for a few hours.
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