Fetal Development at Week 11

Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks. Each week the baby changes dramatically, especially during the early weeks. Week 11 brings many changes.
  1. Size and Weight

    • During week 11, the baby is about 1.5 to 2 inches long. According to Baby Center, the baby is similar in size to a fig. The baby weighs about 1/3 ounce.

    Bone and Tooth Development

    • The baby's bones will begin to harden during this week, and teeth are starting to form.


    • During week 11, the baby will begin to stretch and move. However, the movements will not be felt yet by the mother. The hands are beginning to open and close.


    • The baby's genitals have probably begun to take on the male or female form, but are still not detectable by ultrasound.

    Hair Growth

    • Week 11 brings the formation of hair follicles in preparation for hair growth.

    Nail Development

    • Nail beds are forming this week on the fingers and toes.

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