Baby Gas Treatment

Many times baby fussiness can be caused by excess gas. In fact, colic is often associated with excess gassiness and can lead to many sleepless nights for new parents. Babies can get gas by drinking too quickly, digesting things other than formula or breastmilk, having a food intolerance (e.g., lactose) or simply by chance. Regardless the cause, there are several treatments for gas in babies.
  1. Diet Changes

    • If the baby is breastfed, often the mother's diet can cause baby gassiness. Common culprits are high fiber vegetables like broccoli or beans and bovine dairy products (e.g., milk, cheese, ice cream). Oftentimes cutting these foods from the mother's diet can bring relief to baby. There is no single best food to try to avoid while breastfeeding a gassy baby so if it is suspected that the mother's diet may be responsible an elimination diet (i.e., eliminating all suspicious foods then reintroducing them one at a time) may be beneficial. If the baby is formula fed, trying a different formula may bring relief.

    Simethicone Drops

    • Simethicone drops are a popular treatment for baby's gas. These drops break down bubbles of air trapped in baby's stomach and intestines and bring relief usually within twenty minutes to half an hour. Some babies will experience more relief than others using simethicone, and a recent study has shown that this drug did not reduce colic symptoms.

    Tummy Rubs

    • Most often, time is the most effective treatment of gas in babies. The motion of the intestines pushes the air through and eventually the gas is passed. Turning your baby on his tummy and rubbing his back, or creating a cycling motion with his legs can help move the gas bubbles along more quickly.

    Homeopathic Remedies

    • Several herbal remedies are available that are touted to help gas in babies. Fennel, dill and mint are among the herbs sometimes tried by parents of gassy babies. It should be noted, however, that herbal remedies are not approved or regulated by the Federal Drug Administration and so their safety and efficacy have not been tested. In fact, there are many warnings against such remedies, so it is important to completely research these supplements before trying them on a gassy baby. Gripe water is a homeopathic remedy often used to treat baby gas. It is a liquid and usually consists of sodium bicarbonate (i.e., baking soda) and some herbs such as fennel, ginger or chamomile. Gripe water is recommended by many pediatricians. Although gripe water is regulated by the FDA, it does not seem to be completely successful at treating baby gas in all cases.

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