About Tylenol Overdoses in Babies
Babies who are overdosed with Tylenol may show symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, irritability, appetite loss, excessive sweating, abdominal pain in the upper right area of the stomach and yellow eyes or skin. More severe, life-threatening overdose symptoms include seizures, coma, kidney failure, liver failure and heart problems. Tylenol overdose can also result in death.
Preventing an Overdose
Make sure you are giving your baby infant Tylenol drops instead of children's Tylenol liquid. Check that you are also giving the correct dosage amount. Write down the time and amount of dosage to ensure that everyone caring for the baby knows when the dosage occurred and what amount to dispense. Check all medications that will be used for treating your baby to make sure that you do not give more than one medication at a time that contains acetaminophen. Keep all medications out of reach of all babies and children in your household. Use only the original syringe or dropper that accompanied the medication to ensure you are administering the correct dose of medication.
Tylenol overdosing affects the functions of your baby's liver. If you give your baby too much Tylenol, their liver is unable to process the medication which in turn creates a toxin within the liver that can permanently damage the liver and even be fatal. Your baby can also suffer long-term kidney damage and heart problems created by the toxins of a Tylenol overdose.
If your baby has problems spitting up, give the correct dosage amount before feeding. By doing so, you will ensure that the medication stays in your baby's stomach and prevent having to re-medicate after a feeding, creating a possibility of overdosing your baby with Tylenol.
The difference between a normal infant dose and a fatal dose is relatively small and should not be overlooked. The dosage for Tylenol for babies is based on weight, not age. Mixing Tylenol infant drops and Tylenol children's liquid can be fatal and should be avoided. If you suspect your baby is suffering from an overdose of Tylenol, go to the emergency room immediately.