Vaccine Side Effects in Infants
One of the most common side effects of vaccines in infants is fever. A fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or more requires medical care.
Infants may experience a seizure as a side effect to vaccinations. Symptoms of seizures include confusion, convulsions and odd facial expressions. If a seizure occurs medical attention should be sought immediately.
Severe Allergic Reaction
Although rare, a severe allergic reaction to a vaccination may be experienced by an infant. Anaphylactic reactions are a type of severe allergic reaction that causes breathing issues. Immediate medical attention is required as this can be life threatening.
Infants may experience swelling at the injection site of the vaccination. This is generally not dangerous and subsides fairly quickly.
Soreness at the injection site is a side effect of vaccinations in infants. Medical attention is not required unless the infant seems to be in a lot of pain.
Some parents feel that a side effect of vaccinations is autism. No link between the two has been proven yet.